
Headshot of Becky Weers

Becky Weers, founder of Welcome House

The original mission in 2009 was to create a home for single, pregnant women. Today this mission has shifted. The board reevaluated the original mission by hosting community meetings, interviews with nonprofits, healthcare, social services, law enforcement, etc. We discovered good news-there are more supportive services available for single, pregnant women than there were in 2009. Through this process, we discovered there is a desperate need for housing for women transitioning from treatment, jail or other life struggles. Many of these women have children that need their mom, so by helping these women overcome their barriers, we not only help the family unit, but also the whole community.

In 2021, Welcome House purchased a home located in Fergus Falls with the goal of creating a loving home for up to 10 women who are searching for a way out of the darkness of addiction and dream of creating a new and joyful future.

Many before us worked tirelessly towards the original goal of opening a house for pregnant mothers in need. We are grateful for their passion, love and effort. The many years of their work were invaluable in making this new family-restoring mission a reality.

Our goal is to open the home in the fall of 2022.