Jami’s Journey to Welcome House

Meet Jami

Jami is happy to rebuild her relationship with family.

“Addiction robbed me. It turned me into someone I didn’t recognize anymore. I lied, cheated, stole and lost custody of my children. It broke me. Addiction took over every aspect of my life. I longed in my heart to stop so I could be a good mother. But addiction kept spiraling me back into the darkness. I still had a moral compass; I knew right from wrong. But my addiction paralyzed me.”

Jami found her way into a treatment program where she began the hard work of forgiving herself and learning the tools she longed for to live a happy, productive life free from the grip of drugs. After leaving treatment, it was difficult for her to find a place to live. Jami would have benefited from a transitional home like the one we are creating.

“I cannot stress this enough, this new home will save lives.”

Jami has been sober for eight months. She lives in her own apartment, has a job and is slowly reconnecting and rebuilding a relationship with her children. Jami has been an inspiration to all of us at the Welcome House. She now serves on the board and is helping us with the development of the new house.


Announcement from Welcome House


Welcome House Celebrates Grand Re-opening